Stepping into Christmas….

I’d like to thank you for the year, so I’m sending you this Christmas card to say it’s nice to have you here! Oh Elton I do bloody love you. First off a big thank you to all my wonderful customers and brides for supporting me this year. What a rollercoaster it’s been but it’s ending blooming marvellously.

Christmas time is possibly my favourite in a flower shop, the intoxicating smells of pine, cinnamon sticks and dried oranges, just yum! A flower shop at Christmas is home to me. I love the hustle and bustle of Christmas Eve, people rushing around picking up all their last minute goodies to hunker down for the holiday. The thought of collapsing in front of the fire, exhausted from getting all the orders done, mulled wine in hand and pooch on lap.

Christmas to me, as it is for many, is all about the family. That moment when they all arrive, Chris Rea blasting in the background the smell of delicious Christmas dinner wafting through the house. The children clutching their new toys as they head straight for the present pile! As a florist a huge part of my Christmas countdown and prep is all about getting the house festive ready. I always hang my wreath up on December 1st, marvelling each year at how much I love it and, yes, this year is my favourite…but every year is my favourite! I normally get our tree two weeks before and dedicate an entire day to adorning it. This year is all about colour for me, so I’m going for rich jewel tones which I will mirror in my garlands for the fireplace. I love the smell of pine and there’s something so comforting about coming downstairs on a cold December morning with the scent of a Nordic Spruce filling your living room.

It’s not just about these fuzzy sentimental moments though, Christmas is big business in the floral industry. It all starts back in November with wreath workshops, always such fun, friends and work colleagues coming to classes having a glass of bubbly and creating something utterly fabulous. I wonder how many door wreaths I’ve made over the years, thousands I should think. Then there are table centre pieces full of ivy and hellebores, garlands adorning grand staircases bursting with berries and baubles. Hotel dressing this time of year means florists across the globe are kept busy. Look at a florist’s hands in December and you may just recoil in horror at the ingrained dirt, scratches and broken nails. We florists just love Christmas and disgusting hands are a small price to pay for a fruitful festive season. In the words of Michael Buble ‘Chritmas Christmas yeeeah!’


A Wedding in Tuscany


The romance of winter weddings.